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  3. Extra Fees Wizard For WooCommerce
  4. How to add fixed and percentage(%) based woocommerce extra fees on cart/checkout

How to add fixed and percentage(%) based woocommerce extra fees on cart/checkout

We are sharing how you can set up a fixed and percentage(%) based extra fees on cart/checkout

👉 Example for fixed extra fees:

Go to the Advanced Extra Fees plugin and click on ‘Add New Fees’. After clicking on ‘Add New Fees‘. This page will be opened :

The above screenshot display that $12 fixed extra fees will apply when cart subtotal is greater or equal to(>=) 10

Extra Fees added on cart/checkout when rule match:


👉 Example for percentage extra fees:

The above screenshot display that a 20% percentage extra fee will apply when the cart subtotal is greater or equal to(>=) 10. Just adding a % sign after the amount of fees.





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